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Plastic Surgery Center of Tulsa

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Breasts Have Different Shapes and Nipple Placement

People come in after they’ve had breast implants and not infrequently will be looking in the mirror and go “Ah, this one is this much higher than the other one and this is more swollen.” Asymmetry is actually normal. OK. If you look at yourself very closely in the mirror, you’ll notice that the fold underneath may be a ½ a finger width off, nipples may be a ½ a finger width off, so that’s normal. And one is always a little bit bigger than the other one.

Implants do nothing but take what you have and push it forward. So, if you’re a little bit off, you’re going to be a little bit off. On the other hand, if one implant’s up here and the other one’s down here, something’s not right. And that you need to go to your surgeon and get that fixed. It’s all about looking very carefully before hand at what you have and understanding that that’s just going to be bigger afterwards. So, small asymmetries are normal. Big asymmetries are not. So that’s the rule of thumb for implants.